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Renewable energy is all the energy that comes from sustainable sources, which are those we simply can’t run out of: wind, sunlight, geothermal heat and water. Most renewable energies are green energies. There are two reasons why everyone seems to be talking about them. First off, the world relies heavily on non-renewable sources of energy: coal and oil, for instance, will run out in a not-so-distant future. When they do, we will have to be prepared to switch to alternative sources of energy—enter renewables. Secondly, these non-renewable sources we’re currently using are not environmentally friendly and are heavily contributing to climate change, which is another issue that may cause significant hardships not so far down the line.
In the context of renewed talks among the world's leading nations with respect to environmental sustainability and the culmination with the '2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference' in Paris, we at Greenmatch decided, for educational purposes, to publish an informative guide about the ‘top 3’ most used renewable energy sources at the moment, which are: Solar, Wind, and Geothermal power. We tried to make the presented data useful at the same time appealing enough in order to create a positive mindset shift towards the acceptance of alternative energy sources. We hope you’ll enjoy going through it and that you’ll learn new things about the energy sources that will set the tone for responsible energy development in the years to come.
To make the reading process more user-friendly we divided the guide into three distinct categories that stand for Solar, Wind and Geothermal Energy. In so doing, one will be able to easily jump to the section he/she is mostly interested in.
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