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  • Why Plant Trees? An In-depth Analysis, Trends and Forecasts
Last updated: 28 May 2024

Why Plant Trees? An In-depth Industry Analysis, Trends and Forecasts

Planting a tree is one of the most effective ways to combat climate change, improve air quality, and enhance biodiversity. Not only do trees absorb carbon dioxide, but they also provide habitats for wildlife and contribute to the overall health of our ecosystems.

Plant Trees for a Greener Tomorrow

In today's ever-evolving world, the significance of trees in our environment cannot be overstated. From combating climate change to improving air quality, the benefits of tree planting are vast and multifaceted. Trees absorb CO2, a primary greenhouse gas, thus helping to mitigate climate change. A mature tree can absorb up to 22 kg of CO2 per year.

These living pillars of our ecosystem provide not only the oxygen we breathe but also serve as critical carbon sinks, significantly mitigating the adverse effects of greenhouse gases. 

Moreover, trees are essential in enhancing our communities, contributing to our well-being, and driving the global agenda for sustainable development. As we delve into the importance of planting trees, it becomes clear why this act is paramount for the future of our planet and humanity.

Global Tree Planting Statistics

Annual CO2 Absorption (per acre)21,000 kg
Oxygen Production (per acre)Enough for 18 people
Average Cost of Planting (per tree)£1.50 - £3.00
Job Creation (Global)Over 10 million jobs
Increase in Property Value5-15%
Reduction in Urban TemperatureUp to 10°C

Environmental Benefits of Planting Trees

Trees are crucial in mitigating climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. For instance, An acre of trees can absorb the same amount of CO2 produced by driving a car 26,000 miles annually

This means that trees release oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis. A single mature tree can produce enough oxygen for four people per year. Moreover, mature trees can absorb up to 48 pounds of CO2 harmful gases such as nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, and ozone. They also trap particulate matter on their leaves and bark, which is then washed away by rain.

Globally, forests absorb approximately 16 billion metric tons of CO2 annually, although human activities such as land clearing and wildfires can reduce this capacity. The net absorption by forests is about 7.6 billion tons of CO2 per year, roughly one-fifth of the CO2 emitted by human activities.

In addition, it significantly reduces air pollutants, improving overall air quality reduces respiratory and cardiovascular problems. Areas with higher tree coverage have lower asthma rates and other air pollution-related health issues.

This natural filtration contributes to cleaner air, with urban trees in the United States alone removing an estimated 711,000 metric tons of air pollution each year. The benefits extend to human health, reducing risks associated with heart attacks, high blood pressure, and cognitive development issues in children. 

The benefit to plant trees provides improve air and water quality, reducing soil erosion, mitigating climate change, enhancing biodiversity, offering shade and cooling.

They substantially influence local climate and temperature regulation by providing shade, reducing heat absorption by buildings and pavement, and releasing moisture through their leaves, which creates a cooling effect known as the urban heat island effect]. This is especially vital in urban areas where excessive heat can have detrimental health effects.

In terms of conservation, it is an essential habitat for various species, supporting biodiversity. Forests are home to 80% of the world's terrestrial animals and plants, where they conserve water and preserve soil. 

RegionTrees Planted (Millions)Area Reforested (Hectares)Investment (£ Million)Jobs Created (Thousands)Economic Value (£ Billion)
North America1,200500,000 £800120£2.1
South America1,800800,000£90090£1.4

Countries like the UK and the US have set ambitious tree-planting targets. This natural cooling mechanism can lower temperatures by up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit, making cities more livable. The UK's "England Tree Strategy" aims to plant 30,000 hectares annually, while the US has several state-led reforestation programs.

Planting trees is a simple yet powerful way to combat climate change, improve air quality, conserve biodiversity, control soil erosion, and reduce urban heat. Strategically planted trees around buildings can reduce air conditioning needs by up to 50%, leading to significant energy savings and reduced carbon emissions. Each tree planted contributes to a healthier planet and a more sustainable future.

Economic and Social Benefits of Tree Planting

Tree planting brings significant economic benefits contributing to community development and economic growth. One of the primary advantages is the increase in property values and the enhanced appeal of neighbourhoods. 

Research consistently shows that properties in tree lined areas can be worth up to 18% more than those without trees or near green spaces, command higher prices and possess greater resale value. In the UK, mature trees can increase property values by 10-15%. This increase is due to trees' aesthetic appeal, shade, and improved air quality.

Moreover, planting trees creates numerous job opportunities across various sectors. For every 100 hectares of woodland restored, approximately 25 jobs are created. These initiatives could significantly contribute to the country's economy, particularly in forestry and landscaping. For instance, planting trees can create 36,000 green jobs during the woodland restoration phase, generating £366 million in added value to the economy. Additionally, reforesting large areas could support up to 582,000 jobs, from entry-level tree planters to conservation scientists.

In the UK, planting 6,000 trees could generate £48 million in economic benefits over 50 years, or nearly £1 million annually. In specific regions, increasing woodland supports thousands of jobs, for example, 24,600 jobs in the West Midlands and 2,250 jobs in Glasgow. These opportunities range from tree nurseries to tree care services and landscape maintenance, providing substantial employment prospects in local communities. 

Trees contribute to food security by providing fruits, nuts, seeds, and edible leaves. They support sustainable agriculture by improving soil health and reducing erosion. Trees also play a crucial role in agroforestry systems, enhancing crop yields and providing shade for livestock.

Tree planting efforts in the UK have shown varied progress across different regions. The following data table provides a detailed analysis of tree planting efforts in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland for 2022-2023.

The UK RegionHectares Planted (2022-2023)Percentage of UK TotalTree Cover (%)Planting Target (ha/year)Percentage of Target Achieved
Northern Ireland4503.5%9%90050%
United Kingdom12,958100%13.2%30,00043%

The data highlights the regional disparities in tree planting efforts across the UK. Scotland continues to lead in new tree planting, while England, Wales, and Northern Ireland have varying levels of success in meeting their targets. Increasing tree cover is crucial for achieving the UK's environmental goals, including net zero emissions by 2050.

Global Tree Planting Initiatives and Targets

The United Nations has declared 2021-2030 as the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration. This global effort aims to prevent, halt, and reverse the degradation of ecosystems worldwide. 

The world has lost nearly half of its trees due to deforestation, posing severe threats to biodiversity, climate stability, and human well-being.

The UN estimates that restoring 350 million hectares of degraded ecosystems could generate £6.3 trillion in ecosystem services. This restoration effort could also remove 13-26 gigatons of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere by 2030. The economic benefits of these actions are expected to exceed investment costs by nine times.

The Trillion Trees Initiative was launched by three major conservation organizations: BirdLife International, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). It aims to plant and protect one trillion trees. The target year for achieving this goal is 2050. This ambitious target highlights the significant role of trees in sequestering carbon and restoring natural habitats.

Other international efforts include:

  • The Bonn Challenge: A global effort to restore 350 million hectares of degraded and deforested landscapes by 2030.
  • The African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100): Aiming to restore 100 million hectares of land by 2030.

Global Tree Planting Initiatives

InitiativeTarget/GoalKey PlayersTime Frame
United Nations Decade on Ecosystem RestorationRestore degraded ecosystems worldwideUN, member states, NGOs2021-2030
Trillion Trees InitiativePlant and protect one trillion treesBirdLife International, WCS, WWFBy 2050
Bonn ChallengeRestore 350 million hectaresInternational Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), various countriesBy 2030
AFR100Restore 100 million hectaresAfrican countries, World Bank, African UnionBy 2030
UK National Tree PlantingPlant 30,000 hectares annuallyUK government, Woodland TrustBy 2025
One Trillion Trees Interagency Council (US)Support the global trillion tree goalUS federal and state agencies, private sectorOngoing

Country-Specific Targets and Programs

United Kingdom

The UK government has pledged £500 million and is committed to planting 30,000 hectares of trees annually by 2025. This is part of reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The Woodland Trust and other local organisations are crucial partners in achieving these targets.

Country-Specific Targets and Programs
RegionTree Planting InitiativesKey Statistics
England- England Tree Action Plan
- Nature for Climate Fund - Local Authority Treescapes Fund
3,128 hectares planted in 2022/23, a 40% increase from the previous year.1,326 thousand hectares of woodland, 10.2% of land area. Government funding supported 2,721 hectares of woodlands in 2022/23360,000 trees planted outside woodlands, equivalent to 499 hectaresWoodland Creation Accelerator Fund: £9.8 million to support local authorities
Scotland- Various regional initiatives55% of the UK’s tree planting target was achieved in 2023.1.5 million hectares of woodland, 47% of the UK total.
Wales- Woodland creation targets2,000 hectares of new woodland annually from 2020 onwards. 0.3 million hectares of woodland, 9% of the total UK.
Northern Ireland- Woodland creation targets900 hectares of new woodland annually from 2020 to 2030.0.1 million hectares of woodland, 3% of the UK total.
North East England- Great Northumberland Forest
- White Rose Action Plan - Northern Forest
1 million trees across 500 hectares in Northumberland.7 million trees across 3,500 hectares in North and West Yorkshire.
North West England- Mersey Forest- New Community Forest for Cumbria- Northern Forest150 hectares of new coastal community forest in Cumbria. 3 million trees have been planted since 2018, to reach 50 million.
Midlands- Commonwealth Games legacy forests- Various local initiativesVarious local initiatives to increase tree cover and create new woodlands.
South East England- Oxfordshire Treescape ProjectFree advice and mapping tools for tree planting.
South West England- Forest for Cornwall- Gloucestershire County Council initiatives360,000 trees to be planted over three years in Gloucestershire.Various initiatives to support tree planting.
East Anglia- Previous regional schemes closed, new schemes to be announcedAwaiting new initiatives

United States

The US has several tree-planting initiatives at both federal and state levels. The One Trillion Trees Interagency Council coordinates efforts to conserve, restore, and grow trees across America, supporting the global One Trillion Trees initiative. NGOs and state/local governments should conserve, restore, and grow over 59 billion trees by 2030, capturing up to 27% of US carbon emissions.


China has committed to planting and conserving 70 billion trees by 2030. Between 2011 and 2022, China restored over 70 million hectares of forests, significantly contributing to global reforestation efforts. 


The Billion Tree Tsunami project restored 350,000 hectares of forests in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province between 2014-2018.

Non-Profit and Community Efforts

Non-profit organisations and community groups are at the forefront of tree planting initiatives worldwide. These groups often engage in grassroots efforts to plant trees in urban and rural areas, raise awareness about the benefits of trees, and mobilise volunteers. Key players include:

  • Arbor Day Foundation: Promotes tree planting and care with initiatives like Tree City USA. In addition to this, they have facilitated the planting of over 500 million trees worldwide.
  • Trees for the Future: Focuses on planting trees to improve the livelihoods of impoverished farmers. They have planted over 215 million trees across Asia, Africa and the Americas.
  • Eden Reforestation Projects: The project employs local communities to plant millions of trees, restore forests, and reduce poverty.

Industry Statistical Facts for Planting Trees

Here is a comprehensive analysis of the statistics:

  1. As of 2024, Approximately 1.9 billion trees have been planted across various countries, with 158 million trees planted each month and about 5 million trees planted daily.
  2. China leads with over 2.4 billion trees planted annually, followed by India with 2.1 billion, and Ethiopia with 1.7 billion.
  3. The economic benefit of a single tree over 50 years ranges from £1,200 to £8,000.
  4. An adult tree can store up to 13 pounds of carbon dioxide annually.
  5. Tree planting initiatives can create significant employment opportunities, with estimates suggesting 36,000 green jobs could be created in the UK alone and add £366 million to the economy.
  6. Trees can increase property values by up to 10%.
  7. The UK's National Tree Planting programme received £640 million in funding for tree planting and peatland restoration.
  8. Trees absorb CO2, improve air quality, reduce urban heat islands, and prevent soil erosion.
  9. Planting trees helps maintain biodiversity by providing habitats for various species, including birds, insects, and small mammals.
  10. Trees reduce temperatures in urban areas through shade and evapotranspiration, which can lower city temperatures by up to 9 degrees Celsius.

Tree Planting Industry Trends and Forecasts

We are witnessing a remarkable surge in global initiatives to expand tree cover to combat climate change and biodiversity loss. Notably, three significant campaigns have pledged to plant one trillion trees. These include the Nature Conservancy's Plant a Billion Trees campaign. This campaign focuses on global reforestation to mitigate climate change effects and biodiversity decline.

The World Economic Forum's aims to plant 1 trillion trees by 2030, having already secured pledges for 3.6 billion trees. Another ambitious project is Pakistan's "10 Billion Trees Tsunami", which aims to significantly increase the country's tree cover.

Local programs are also making substantial contributions to tree planting efforts. For instance, Saudi Arabia's Let's Make It Green Campaign promises to combat desertification by planting ten million trees. Similarly, Ireland has committed to planting 22 million trees annually over twenty years, integrating tree planting into agricultural lands. These local efforts are crucial for achieving broader environmental goals and enhancing community involvement in sustainability practices.

On the policy front, significant strides are being made to accelerate tree planting. Up to £750 million of funding has been allocated to support this between 2020 and 2025. This funding aims to triple the woodland created in England during the current Parliament. For instance, the Woodland Creation Planning Grant (WCPG) offers funding to cover the costs of producing a woodland creation design plan. With the UK Forestry Standard (UKFS), with potential additional income from selling carbon credits. 

Moreover, with technological advancements, the industry is rapidly evolving with the integration of drones, artificial intelligence (AI), and data analytics. These technologies enable precise mapping, monitoring, and management of reforestation efforts, ensuring higher survival rates and better resource allocation.

Furthermore, according to a report by the World Resources Institute, the global restoration economy is poised for rapid growth. Some businesses are expecting revenue increases of up to 10 times per year. Initiatives like the Bonn Challenge and the Trillion Trees Initiative aim to restore millions of hectares of degraded land through tree planting.

The market is projected to expand at an impressive compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2022 to 2026. The major key regions are North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. 

YearGlobal Tree Planting Market Size (GBP)CAGR (%)Key TechnologiesMajor InitiativesKey Drivers
2022£1.5 billion10Drones, AIBonn ChallengeTechnological advancements, CSR initiatives
2023£1.6 billion10Data AnalyticsAFR100Increased government commitments, public awareness
2024£1.8 billion10Satellite ImagingInitiative 20x20Expansion of agroforestry, PPPs
2025£2.1 billion10Machine LearningTrillion TreesEnhanced ecosystem restoration efforts
2026£2.5 billion10IoTOne Trillion TreesContinued technological integration, global reforestation pledges

Private sector involvement is also robust, with 51% of FTSE 100 companies investing in tree planting initiatives. These initiatives are part of their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategies. These companies have collectively planted over 350 million trees. They have commitments to plant an additional 300 million. This demonstrates a strong corporate commitment to combating climate change and enhancing biodiversity.

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Moreover, the inclusion of Woodland Carbon Credits (WCC) into the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is expected to significantly increase the price of Woodland Carbon Units (WCUs). This, in turn, will accelerate investment in afforestation projects. This policy adjustment is anticipated to unlock 11% to 26% of land with good afforestation potential in the UK. Without this adjustment, this land would otherwise remain undeveloped.

These strategic policy frameworks are crucial for meeting national afforestation targets. They also enhance the overall environmental impact of tree planting initiatives.

Challenges and Considerations

Success in tree planting goes beyond planting itself. It requires careful selection of species adapted to the local environment, ongoing maintenance, and protection of young saplings. Significant challenges include combating the drivers of deforestation. They also involve adapting to the impacts of climate change on tree viability.

Moreover, the unpredictable growth patterns of tree roots pose significant challenges for those responsible for maintaining surfaces and utilities. The planning stage is critical to ascertaining if sufficient soil volume is available for the tree's long-term health. 

The complexity of funding structures complicates the process of planting trees. Additionally, the cap on the number of trial pits that will receive funding adds to the difficulty. As a result, it is challenging for applicants to secure the necessary support for their tree planting projects. Fund recipients must provide 20% match funding, which can be a barrier for communities with limited financial resources.

Additionally, the species selected for planting must consider phytosanitary restrictions or measures. These restrictions can limit the choice of species and affect the overall biodiversity goals of the projects. 

Here's a look at some key considerations to ensure your tree planting efforts thrive:

Species SelectionChoosing native and climate-adapted speciesEnhances biodiversity, reduces the risk of invasive species
Site SuitabilityPlanting in appropriate locationsEnsures tree health and growth
Long-Term MaintenanceRegular watering, mulching, and pest controlIncreases tree survival rates
Addressing DeforestationTackling illegal logging and land conversionRestores ecosystems, combats climate change
Funding and ResourcesSecuring financial and human resourcesEnsures project sustainability
Climate Change AdaptationImplementing adaptive management practicesMitigates climate impacts on trees
RegionCost Per Tree (GBP)Survival Rate (%)
North America£1.585
South America£1.280

While the urgent need to address environmental issues drives the initiative to plant trees, we must carefully navigate the challenges and barriers outlined above. This careful navigation is essential to ensure the success of tree planting projects. Additionally, it is crucial for the sustainability of these projects.

In Summary

Through meticulous investigation and comprehensive analysis, this article has demonstrated the undeniable value and far-reaching benefits of tree planting. We have traversed its environmental, economic, and social advantages. These green assets are pivotal in mitigating climate change, enhancing biodiversity, and enriching our communities.

Collective efforts in reforestation can yield substantial global benefits, paving the way for a greener, healthier planet.

Therefore, armed with knowledge and inspired by the potential for change, commit to nurturing the earth's canopy. In planting trees today, we sow the seeds of tomorrow's brighter, more resilient world.