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Last updated: 3 October 2024

Is Artificial Intelligence Bad for the Environment? 

Does AI harm our planet? In this piece we explore how artificial intelligence affects the environment, highlighting both its potential benefits and drawbacks.
  • AI uses a lot of energy and water, which can harm the environment.
  • Training big AI models can create as much pollution as five cars in their lifetime.
  • AI can also help solve environmental problems, but we must make it more eco-friendly.

Artificial intelligence has become a powerful force in our world, but we are starting to see its environmental drawbacks. AI systems consume massive energy and resources, raising concerns about their carbon footprint.

A study by MIT shows that training a single large AI model can emit as much carbon dioxide as five cars over their lifetimes. The environmental impact of AI is a growing issue that needs to be addressed.

As AI becomes more popular, we must consider how it affects our planet. By examining these issues, we can work towards more sustainable AI practices that balance innovation with environmental preservation.

What is the Environmental Impact of AI

AI uses a lot of energy. Training large AI models can produce as much carbon dioxide as five cars do in their lifetime. By 2027, AI could use up to 134 terawatt-hours of electricity annually- about 0.5% of global energy use.

To truly grasp the environmental impact of GPT-4, OpenAI's cutting-edge large language model released in 2023, we must consider its carbon footprint in context. Estimates suggest that the training process for GPT-4 may have resulted in emissions between 12,456 and 14,994 metric tons of CO2 equivalent. 

This is significantly higher than its predecessor, GPT-3, which was estimated to emit about 552 tons of CO2 equivalent during training.

The same study also indicates that training GPT-4 consumed between 51,772,500 and 62,318,750 kWh of electricity. This is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of thousands of households across regions.

Consequently, the wide range in estimates is due to uncertainties about the exact training process and the carbon intensity of the electricity used.

Moreover, AI needs water, too. Data centres use water to cool their servers. Some estimates say AI could use up to 6.6 billion cubic meters of water by 2027. An average ChatGPT session with 10-50 responses can use up to half a litre of fresh water.

AI's environmental footprint extends from development to deployment and maintenance. E-waste from rapidly outdated AI hardware adds to environmental issues. The ICT industry, including AI, could account for 14% of global emissions by 2040.

While training emissions are substantial, the per-query emissions for using GPT-4 are much smaller:

  • Industry estimates suggest that a single generative AI query emits about 4-5 times more CO2 than a standard search engine query.
  • For context, one Google search emits approximately 0.2g of CO2.

Therefore, we can estimate that each AI Overview query will emit approximately 0.8-1g of CO2, much higher than the current emission. This represents a 300-400% increase in emissions per query.

In addition, we see a shift in user search behaviour to conduct fewer searches to find the information they're looking for, as AI Overviews could provide more comprehensive results in a single query. Users might also spend more time analysing the AI-generated overview on the search results page instead of quickly clicking through to other websites.

Impact AreaMetricValue
Carbon EmissionsCO2 from single large model training300 tons
Energy UseProjected AI energy demand by 2027134 TWh
Water UsageWater used in GPT-3 training700,000 litres
E-wasteGlobal e-waste generation (2019)53.6 million metric tons

It's, therefore, crucial to consider this impact in the broader context of technological advancement and its potential benefits. Google claims AI could help predict floods and make traffic more efficient.

The Hidden Costs of Training Large AI Models

With the rapid growth of AI, a hidden cost is also beyond financial implications, extending to substantial global impacts. However, in terms of economic cost, the financial costs are equally eye-opening. Running ChatGPT costs an estimated £80,000 daily, potentially rising to £32 million monthly with increased usage. 

These figures underscore the substantial resources required to maintain and operate advanced AI systems.

ModelTraining Cost (£)Release Year

These costs extend beyond training. Ongoing operations and frequent model updates add to AI's environmental toll. For instance, generating 1,000 images with Stable Diffusion XL emits as much CO2 as driving an average car for 6.6 km.

Moreover, we have seen that training large AI models can emit over 284,000 kg (626,000 pounds) of CO2. This staggering amount highlights AI's significant carbon footprint.

This requires immense computational power, such as graphics processing units (GPUs) and tensor processing units (TPUs), which are essential for handling the high level of parallel processing. 

The scale of these models is staggering. For instance, GPT-1 was considered 'large-scale' with 117 million parameters and 600 billion tokens. In contrast, GPT-4, released in 2023, boasts roughly 1.7 trillion parameters and 13 trillion tokens. 

This figure doubled when considering the emissions from manufacturing computer equipment, broader computing infrastructure, and running the model post-training. A study from Hugging Face estimated that training their large language model, BLOOM, led to 25 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

We must be mindful of these environmental costs as we continue developing and deploying AI technologies.

The Energy Demands of Artificial Intelligence

The computational power needed to sustain AI's growth doubles roughly every 100 days. This rapid expansion is causing AI's energy use to accelerate annually between 26% and 36%. 

Big tech companies like Microsoft and Google have seen their carbon emissions rise due to the expansion of AI-related data centres.

Training large AI models is especially energy-intensive. For example:

  • GPT-3 training used about 1,300 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity
  • GPT-4 training likely used 50 times more

To put this in perspective, 1,300 MWh could power 130 UK homes annually. Moreover, experts estimate that by 2028, AI could use more power than some countries.

The scale of this consumption is staggering. Goldman Sachs Research estimates that data centre power demand will grow 160% by 2030. Data centres worldwide consume 1-2% of overall power, but this could rise to 3-4% by decade's end. 

When we looked at a single ChatGPT query that requires 2.9 watt-hours of electricity, it was nearly ten times more than a Google search, which requires 0.3 watt-hours. The International Energy Agency predicts a dramatic increase in data centre power usage. By 2026, these centres are expected to consume 1,000 terawatts of electricity, doubling their 2022 consumption and matching Japan's current total energy use.

This surge in demand should push tech companies to invest in renewable energy, such as solar power, heat pumps and wind power, to explore emerging generation capabilities. 

Water Resources and AI: An Overlooked Issue

AI's water footprint is substantial and concerning. Even a simple conversation with ChatGPT, consisting of 10 to 50 questions, can use up to 500 millilitres of fresh water. 

Experts foresee that global AI demand may require 4.2 – 6.6 billion cubic meters of water withdrawal by 2027, more than Denmark's total annual water withdrawal. This strain on water resources could lead to social turbulence and worsen existing water waste and scarcity issues.

AI’s thirst stems from data centres, which require massive amounts of water for cooling. Google, Microsoft, and Meta's data centres worldwide extracted an estimated 2.2 billion cubic metres of water in 2022. As AI workloads grow, so does water usage. Google's data centre water consumption jumped 20% from 2021 to 2022, while Microsoft's increased 34%.

This growing water demand has sparked concerns in communities hosting AI facilities. Residents of West Des Moines, Iowa, home to a data centre running GPT-4, filed a lawsuit after learning the facility used 6% of the district's water in July 2022. 

To address this, big tech companies have replenished watersheds to offset their cooling water consumption. However, more transparency and innovation are needed to build sustainable AI practices and mitigate emerging environmental inequity. 

Electronic Waste: The Aftermath of AI Hardware

We are facing a growing e-waste crisis as AI technology advances. Global e-waste production reached 65 million metric tons as of 2022. This surge is partly due to AI's demand for constant hardware upgrades.

Experts predict this figure could double by 2030 if current trends continue.

Companies are rapidly upgrading to support AI, creating graveyards of outdated tech. The AI revenue is projected to reach £37.3 billion by 2027, potentially escalating the e-waste problem. 

Current e-waste recycling methods need to be improved. Only 22% of e-waste is recycled responsibly. Manual disassembly is inefficient and hazardous for workers. 

However, the lack of transparency from for-profit AI companies hinders accurate assessment of AI's carbon footprint. 

Although governments are starting to act, the EU's Right to Repair law, effective in 2024, aims to make electronic devices last longer. Similar legislation is being considered in other countries. To address this crisis, we need collaborative efforts towards sustainable AI hardware recycling practices.

AI as a Double-Edged Sword for the Environment

Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents both opportunities and challenges for our planet. On the positive side, it can enhance energy efficiency in buildings and industries by predicting usage patterns and minimising waste. A recent study found AI models can improve business energy efficiency by 10-40%

For example, Google's DeepMind has optimised cooling systems in data centres, reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. In renewable energy, GE Renewable Energy uses AI in wind turbines to improve performance and maintenance.

In transportation, ride-hailing apps using AI to optimise routes have resulted in 69% more climate pollution by displacing more sustainable public transit. The convenience and lower costs might spur increased demand for goods or services, leading to a "rebound effect."

FactorPositive ImpactNegative Impact
Energy Use10-40% efficiency improvement1 AI model = 5 cars' lifetime emissions
Resource ConsumptionOptimised resource allocationIncreased demand for rare earth metals
Waste ManagementImproved recycling efficiencyContributes to e-waste
Climate ActionEnhanced climate modelingData centre emissions
BiodiversityImproved wildlife monitoringPotential habitat disruption from mining

Balancing Act: Sustainable AI Development

To harness AI's environmental potential while minimising negative impacts, some factors need to be considered, such as:

  1. Green AI: Develop energy-efficient algorithms and hardware.
  2. Renewable Energy: Power AI infrastructure with clean energy sources.
  3. Circular Economy: Design AI systems for longevity and recyclability.
  4. Ethical Guidelines: Implement frameworks ensuring AI development aligns with sustainability goals.
  5. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Foster partnerships between AI experts, environmental scientists, and policymakers.

AI's role in environmental sustainability remains complex. By addressing challenges and maximising benefits, we can work towards a future where AI becomes a powerful tool for planetary health.

Statistics, Facts and Figures About AI

We're witnessing an unprecedented surge in AI's growth and impact. The AI market is projected to reach £628.06 billion by 2030, with an annual growth rate of 28.5% from 2024 to 2030. This rapid expansion comes with significant environmental implications.

However, here are key statistics, facts, and figures that highlight AI's growing influence:

  • 72% of business leaders consider AI a "business advantage.
  • Retail sector AI adoption hit £9.85 billion in 2024. 
  • 96% of smartphone users rely on AI-powered voice assistants.
  • World Economic Forum predicts AI will create 97 million new jobs by 2025. However, 85 million jobs may be displaced due to AI automation. 
  • Healthcare: The AI market in healthcare is expected to reach £36.1 billion by 2025.
  • Retail: 85% of retail companies will use AI for supply chain automation by 2025.
  • Finance: 70% of financial services firms use machine learning for risk management.
  • AI tools save marketers an average of 12.5 hours per week, equivalent to 26 extra working days annually. 
  • 27% report using AI multiple times daily, while 28% use it once a day or several times weekly. 
  • 84% of bloggers and SEO specialists say AI influenced their strategies in 2023, as AI tools help with keyword research, content optimisation, and technical audits. 
  • North America holds the largest AI market share at 36.84%, followed by Europe at 24.97%.
  • By 2026, data centers' electricity consumption is expected to reach 1,000 terawatts, equivalent to Japan's total consumption. 
  • Training a single large AI model can emit more than 626,000 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent.
  • Since 2012, the computing power required to train cutting-edge AI models has doubled every 3.4 months. 
  • 79% of SME owners want to learn more about AI benefits. 
  • 57% of consumers worry about AI infringing on their privacy.
  • 68% of business leaders see bias in AI as a significant risk.

These statistics reveal AI's transformative impact across industries while underscoring the imperative for responsible development and implementation. As AI integration accelerates, balancing innovation with ethical considerations becomes crucial for maximising its benefits and minimising potential risks.

Top Countries Using AI the Most

We're seeing a global race in AI adoption, with several nations leading the charge. The Global AI Index, which analyses 62 countries based on investment, innovation, and implementation, provides insights into this trend. 

Here's an overview of the top AI-using countries in 2024: 

  1. United States: The US remains at the forefront of AI research and development. Silicon Valley is a global AI hub with tech leaders like Google, Microsoft, and Apple. The US government also heavily invests in AI for defence and national security.
  2. China: China aims to become the world leader in AI by 2030. Government initiatives and massive investments drive rapid AI adoption across industries. Chinese tech giants like Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent spearhead AI innovation.
  3. United Kingdom: The UK established itself as a European AI powerhouse. London hosts numerous AI startups and research centres. The government's AI Sector Deal allocates £1 billion to boost AI industry. 
  4. Canada: Canada punches above its weight in AI research. Montreal, Toronto, and Edmonton emerged as key AI hubs. Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) drives national AI strategy.
  5. Germany: Germany focuses on applying AI to manufacturing and Industry 4.0. The government's AI strategy aims to make the country the leading centre for AI innovation.

These countries lead in AI adoption, research, and innovation. However, the AI landscape evolves rapidly, and rankings may shift as more nations prioritise AI development. 

CountryApproximate AI Adoption Rate (%)Number of AI StartupsInvestment in AI (in £ Billion)
United States725,509£271.9
United Kingdom52727£18.3
South Korea35189£3.0

Please note that due to the rapidly changing nature of the AI field and differences in reporting methodologies, these figures should be considered approximate and may vary depending on the source and time frame used.

Towards Sustainable AI Practices

Sustainable AI practices are crucial for balancing technological advancement with environmental responsibility.  Consequently, it could be part of the solution. This means using more energy-efficient hardware and renewable energy sources to power AI systems. 

These algorithms could reduce the energy needed to train and run AI models. For example, AI systems in smart grids help minimise energy waste by adjusting power distribution in real time. This has saved millions of pounds and cut carbon emissions.

These efforts, if successful, will significantly reduce the footprint of AI technologies. Hardware innovations like quantum computing and advanced chip designs are also being developed to minimise AI’s energy demands.

Sustainable AI Strategies: Where to Start?

Organisations adopting AI can make their systems more sustainable by:

  1. Using cloud services with renewable energy sources.
  2. Optimising AI models to reduce resource demand.
  3. Investing in more efficient hardware.
  4. Monitoring and managing energy use with AI-driven tools.

Sustainable AI isn't just environmentally responsible—it's economically smart. Industries can balance innovation with environmental responsibility by prioritising sustainability in AI development.

Recycling and Disposal of AI Components

Ironically, AI itself plays a crucial role in managing its waste. Advanced sorting systems using machine learning algorithms can identify and categorise AI components with 95% accuracy.

This precision enables more efficient recycling of valuable materials. It would allow the system to extract precious metals and rare earth elements containing valuable materials. 

Recycling these components reduces the need for new mining and prevents hazardous waste from contaminating soil and water. These solutions not only cut costs but also significantly reduce carbon emissions. 

Environmental Impact Compared to Everyday Things

We have seen so far that the environmental imapct of AI is enormous, but how can it compare to everyday activities?  

On average, a car emits about 4.6 metric tons of CO2 annually. A recent AI language model, similar to those commonly used today, produced between 12,456 and 14,994 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions during its training process.

For comparison:

  • One load of laundry creates about 0.6 kg of CO2
  • One hour of streaming Netflix emits roughly 36 grams of CO2

These small things add up, but an AI model's impact is much higher, especially during training stages.

AI's water usage is another concern. Training large language models can use up to 700,000 litres of water, equivalent to manufacturing 320 electric vehicles. 

In comparison:

  • Showering for 10 minutes uses about 100 litres of water.
  • Producing 1 kg of beef consumes around 15,000 litres.

AI development requires vast amounts of electricity. Running a typical AI model (GPT-3) can use the same electricity for approximately 130 homes in the US annually (depending on the AI model). For comparison:

  • Charging a smartphone takes around 2 - 6 watts per hour, depending on the device and charge. 
  • Using a laptop for 8 hours requires about 0.4 - 0.8 kWh.

While AI brings breakthroughs, the energy use behind it needs awareness.

However, AI isn't all bad news for the environment. It helps optimise energy grids, reduce waste, and improve sustainable practices. For example, AI-powered precision agriculture reduces fertiliser use, benefiting farmers and ecosystems. 

While AI's environmental footprint is significant, especially as it becomes more integrated into daily life, its potential to address complex environmental challenges remains substantial. However, to ensure AI's development aligns with sustainability goals, we must critically evaluate its energy consumption and carbon emissions relative to traditional activities.

By doing so, we can identify areas for optimisation and promote the development of more environmentally friendly AI technologies.

What are the Alternatives?

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more prevalent, many seek alternatives without complex algorithms or massive data centres. Here are some key options.

  • Human Intelligence: People remain unmatched in creativity, empathy, and complex reasoning. Human experts still outperform AI in fields like medical diagnosis and legal analysis.
  • Rule-Based Systems: These use predefined rules to make decisions, not machine learning. They're common in finance, manufacturing, and logistics. While less flexible than AI, rule-based systems are predictable and easily audited.
  • Green AI: Green AI focuses on making machine learning more efficient. By reducing computation, Green AI cuts energy use. Smaller models use less power, saving energy without losing effectiveness.
  • Augmented Intelligence: This combines human and machine capabilities. Humans make key decisions, while AI handles data processing and analysis. It's used in healthcare, cybersecurity, and customer service.
  • Low-Code/No-Code Platforms allow non-programmers to build applications through visual interfaces. They can automate processes without complex AI. Gartner predicts 65% of app development will use low-code in 2024.
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): RPA uses software "robots" to automate repetitive digital tasks. Unlike AI, RPA follows fixed instructions without learning or adapting. 

Companies can reduce their carbon footprint by choosing alternatives while achieving automation and efficiency goals. 

Balancing the Future Predictions of AI

We are at a crossroads with AI's future. Its potential benefits are immense, but so are its environmental risks. We need to strike a balance between innovation and sustainability.

Recent data shows AI adoption is accelerating rapidly. A 2023 McKinsey survey found that 55% of companies now use AI in at least one business function, up from 50% in 2022. In addition, a PwC study suggests AI could add £12.8 trillion to the global economy by 2030. That's a staggering figure, more than the current combined output of China and India.

As AI becomes more advanced, critical areas need careful consideration. It is essential to balance the risks and benefits of AI.

According to GreenMatch environmental expert Inemesit Ukpanah

AI models are becoming more sophisticated, but their environmental impact is growing. We should focus on energy-efficient algorithms, sustainable data centres, and responsible e-waste management to ensure AI's long-term viability. 

By prioritising these areas, we can harness AI's potential while safeguarding our planet's future and minimising its environmental footprint.

As we move forward, we need a nuanced approach to AI development. We should harness its power to solve global challenges while minimising its environmental footprint.

Policymakers, tech companies, and researchers must work together to create responsible AI practices. This includes setting energy efficiency standards for AI systems and investing in green computing technologies.

By taking a balanced approach, we can reap AI's benefits while safeguarding our planet's future.