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Last updated: 11 May 2023

Best Vegan Lifestyle Blogs 2016

Using animals for food, clothes, experiments, entertainment or any other abuse comes with devastating consequences for our health and the environment. According to Union of Concerned Scientists, meat-eating is listed as the second-biggest environmental hazard facing the earth , and furthermore, it is calculated that nearly 51 % of greenhouse-gas emissions are caused by animal agriculture.

One way to protect the environment and reduce the negative effects of meat-eating is following a Vegan Lifestyle. Veganism is a way of living that seeks to exclude any form of animal exploitation or cruelty.

Do you think that the vegan lifestyle isn't for you and you won’t ever be able to practice it on day-to-day basis?

We at GreenMatch want to convince you of the opposite. Therefore, we have chosen the Best Vegan Lifestyle Blogs of 2016 and divided them in 2 categories:

Have a look at these inspirational blogs, and learn more about the philosophy behind veganism, as well as, the endless number of vegan recipes created by them.

We assure you, these blogs will make you question your lifestyle choices, and their delicious recipes, will turn you on to the pleasures of the vegan diet.

The featured blogs are more than welcome to use the code below to place the badge on their website

Best Vegan Recipes Blogs

Following a vegan diet is the first and most important step if you want to live a vegan life. However, changing your eating habits can be difficult and frustrating, especially if you don’t know where to start. To avoid the confusion, have a look at the list of the Best Vegan Recipes Blogs and find recipes that fit your needs and preferences.


Bitter Sweet

Hannah Kaminsky is an author of several vegan cookbooks, and contributes regularly to popular food magazines. As a result of her knowledge and talents for the food industry, she has been awarded many times.

"The benefits of being vegan are limitless, from improved quality of health to lower grocery bills to positive environmental impacts. I've been vegan for so much of my life now, it's hard to pick apart what it specifically contributes; it's simply another element of me as a whole. That said, simply being vegan has brought me closer to the local community of like-minded eaters and introduced me to countless friends".


Namely Marly

Marly and her family have an important message behind their blog: you can find happiness each and every day in some way shape or form. To do so, they share recipes toward the transitioning vegan, entertainment ideas and tips for soulful living.

"There’s a certain cleanness that comes about from a vegan lifestyle — a clean conscious, a clean palate, a clean feeling in the body. These are the main areas I focus on in my vegan life, and it fuels my days. Some people fear a sense of limitation when choosing a vegan diet, but I like to share recipes on my site that prove otherwise — everything from Vegan Beefless Stew to the Oreo Cheesecake. I’m inspired to know my food choices are impacting the planet, by providing a more sustainable environment”.

“My initial switch to a vegetarian diet was motivated because I thought it seemed cool. It didn’t take long before I learned about the terrible conditions of factory farming. In addition, I went through a lot of “stomach problems” in my life, leading to the removal of my gallbladder and eventually to an IBS diagnosis (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Transforming my diet from vegetarian to vegan, allowed me to go off the meds prescribed for my IBS and has also helped me reconnect with my body in a stronger way. I know the foods that work well for me and those that don’t. So for me, knowing that I’m taking personal choices that are having an impact on my health feels powerful and that’s one of my favorite things about being vegan".


The Plant Philosophy

Margaret created this blog with the purpose of sharing her passion for cooking, and to connect with like-minded individuals and grow the vegan community.

"Following a vegan lifestyle leads to a cruelty-free outlook on life. You gain a better sense of perspective on the environment as a whole. Through pursuing this lifestyle you can expect to have a clearer mind, more energy, some weight-loss is possible as well as reducing your carbon footprint".

"Being vegan has opened my eyes to a whole new world. I view things differently, I make more ethical choices day to day and I feel like a better person advocating for the wellbeing of animals. I genuinely love eating plant-based foods and sharing that with the people I love most in my life".


Blissful Basil

Ashley has always had a passion for cooking that she has inherited from her parents. After eating meat for the most of her life, in 2010 she transitioned to vegetarianism, which later on transformed into veganism.

"In March of 2014, I made the full shift to veganism after easing into the lifestyle for over six months. I now feel healthier, more energized, and even happier than I was prior to the shift".


Minimalist Baker

Dana and her husband John founded this blog in 2012. They follow a vegan lifestyle, and are encouraging others to eat a mostly plant-based diet, by using whole foods and natural ingredients.

"We don’t subscribe to any one diet (nope, we’re not vegan!), but plant-based cooking and baking has become the focus for this blog with our top priority always being on simple, delicious food".


Vegan Richa

With this blog, Richa has inspired many to cook vegan Indian or other vegan cuisines. She has had a lot of success, and has even been featured in many well-known media. She and her husband started transitioning to a plant-based diet in 2010.

"I realized I couldn’t directly or indirectly cause extreme suffering and death of any other animal or human when there are alternatives. Hubbs, found about the impact on our own health and environment because of our food choices and decided. a little bit of my compassion rubbed off too. Animals are sentient, self-aware, and capable of experiencing both pleasure and pain".


Fork and Beans

Cara’s blog was created because she wanted to prove that people that struggle with dietary restrictions can still cook and eat delicious food. This idea originates from her own experience with digestive problems that resulted in many other symptoms as she grew older.

"My hope in starting this blog was to create a site where people with dietary restrictions will not only feel normal, but find that eating without certain ingredients can still be good".


The Simple Veganista

Julie has started a vegan diet because of health issues, but has fallen in love with the simple food, and soon it opened her eyes about factory farming conditions, and has changed her perception about the use of animals on this planet.

"Eating a plant based diet has truly become a joy. Vegan food is not boring, complicated or expensive. There is a vast array of foods we can choose everyday that is good for the whole".


Olives for Dinner

Erin is the founder of Olives for Dinner and she enjoys creating original vegan recipes for her readers. After becoming vegan, and without any experience in the kitchen, one day she decided that she would also create her own recipes and share them with others.

"After a few years of studying and replicating other vegan cooking ideas and methods, I thought: I could totally do this myself, and created Olives for Dinner in January 2011".


Keepin' it Kind

Kristy and her husband Chris work together in order to create the best vegan recipes and to capture them in pictures for the blog. They believe that by eating a vegan diet, the world will be a kinder place, because we are kinder to the animals.

"We believe that kind food is the key to a kinder world and through this blog, we try to share with everyone how fun, approachable, and delicious veganism can be through sharing delectable vegan recipes, reviewing vegan restaurants, and sharing our vegan travel tales".


Healthy, Happy Life

Kathy is promoting vegan food as a way to live a happy, healthy life. She is also a cookbook author, and claims to stay vegan forever because of the love she has for animals.

"I am proud of the journey I have made with my relationship with food. And I strive endlessly to bring you guys delicious, healthy recipes - recipes that vegans and non-vegans crave, adore and make again and again". 


FatFree Vegan Kitchen

Susan has been eating Vegan Diet since 1994, and she is certain that vegan diet helped her maintain a balanced weight, after she lost over 100 pounds when she started living this lifestyle.

"Food to me is something of a celebration, and cooking is a gift I give to my family and friends; I want it to taste good to them as well as be good for them. That’s actually why I’m writing this blog. I wanted to show others that a healthy vegan diet does not have to be boring and bland. If it did, I would have given it up long ago".


Vegan Yack Attack

Jackie is another blogger that shares all sorts of vegan recipes that can be divided in several categories.

"Because I have a background in product design, I have always had the notion of living a sustainable life and doing the least damage possible to my surroundings and the planet. But, after reading everything that I did about those chemicals, factory farming, and how the government doesn’t care, there was no looking back and I feel that I am a much better person for it now".


The Vegan Chickipea

This blog celebrates healthy, beautiful vegan living. The main focus is put on healthy vegan (gluten-free) recipes, as well as tips on vegan beauty and fashion.

"I'm a very passionate person, particularly when it comes to the vegan lifestyle, modern art, aesthetics, brand loyalty, musicals, Thai food, and my everyday routine. I believe in minimalism, the importance of surrounding oneself with beauty, and the never-ending quest to reach life's full potential".

Amanda And Aaron

Pickles and Honey

Amanda and Aaron’s purpose with Pickles and Honey is to share very simple and easy vegan recipes that everyone should be able to make. Most of the time they recreate traditional seasonal recipes by reducing the long list of ingredients, and ending up with a vegan version of them.

"We hear you on being busy and needing recipes to be easy, approachable, practical, and satisfying. That’s why most include just 10 ingredients or less, minimal kitchen equipment, and a few minutes of active prep work".


The Vegan 8

Brandi started blogging in order to share vegan recipes that contain no more than 8 ingredients; they are therefore easy to prepare, and are allergy-friendly. As well, the Vegan diet cured both her and her husband’s diseases.

"The recipes on this blog are vegan, oil-free, dairy-free, tofu-free, no added gums, almost all are gluten-free and 8 ingredients or less! I challenge you to find many recipes that are vegan, gluten-free and oil-free all containing just 8 ingredients".


The Colorful Kitchen

Ilene shares vegan, and mostly gluten-free recipes on her colorful blog. She is a certified health coach and is happy to share her advice regarding healthy food with her readers.

"I’m crazy about all things veggie, but I haven’t always felt this way. My journey to a plant-based whole food diet has been eight years in the making and I’m still happily learning new things everyday".


This Rawsome Vegan Life

Emily is a fan of raw foods and anything plant-based. She typically shares diverse recipes on her blog which mainly calls for vegetables as the ingredients.

"I eat this way because it makes me feel good. With the knowledge I've learned about what animal products do to me, you, our earth, and our beloved fellow animals, I try to minimize my consumption of foods and products that require violence to be created. Nobody should have to die just so I can eat a sandwich".


Plant-powered Kitchen

Dreena has been vegan for 20 years and is an author of many bestselling vegan cookbooks that contain healthy delicious food for the whole family. She is a mom of three, and has incorporated the vegan diet among all the members of the family.


Connoisseurus Veg

Alissa started this blog with the hope of inspiring herself and others to create new vegan recipes all the time.

"Vegan cooking is way fun! Fun for me at least, a big old kitchen dork. I love creativity in the kitchen, and veganizing everything I make so that it tastes better than any animal ingredient-based version is my idea of a good time".



Two Green Peas

Jessica and her husband enjoy being in the kitchen together and creating vegan, plant-based recipes. After her father suffered from a severe stroke, she she did a lot of research on how to stay healthy. This resulted with her transition to the vegan diet.

"I discovered that overwhelmingly the most important (and easiest) things you can do for your health are to exercise and eat a whole foods plant-based diet".


The Vegan & The Chef

Caroline and her husband combined their cooking skills (one vegan, the other non-vegan), to create delicious plant-based recipes for those interested in vegan diet.

"I eat and cook mostly vegan for myself. I have found that I feel the best, look best and am most confident when I am eating an 80 % vegan diet".

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One Arab Vegan

Nada believes that even in the Arab cuisine, it is not that difficult to pursue a vegan diet. She has a interesting story to share about her beginnings of vegetarianism and veganism.

"I’m extremely passionate about staying fit and healthy, and I genuinely believe a plant-based diet is the best for optimal health. The food as medicine movement is rapidly growing, and I’m constantly reading about people who’ve cured their ailments through eating a largely whole food based diet".



Angela has been vegan for 21 years and through her blog she strives to share her food experiences with a wider audience.

"After reading ‘Animal Liberation’ in the 11th grade, I realized that going vegan was the next logical step – not only for the animals, but also for my health, the environment, and the world at large. I’ve been vegan ever since".


My Whole Food Life

Melissa and her husband decided that a whole foods, vegan diet is the healthiest option for them and their family.

"Once we saw the amazing results of eating clean, it kept us motivated to continue down this path. My husband and I stick to this because both of us want to be around for as much of our girls’ lives as possible".


Happy Hearted Kitchen

Jodi is developing and sharing recipes that are made from whole foods and whole grains on her blog.

"I love vegetables and moments spent around the dinner table with close ones, so this blog is my way of sharing that with you".


Essential Vegan

Vanessa is a nutricionist by profession and has specialized in veganism. Her passion for cooking and creating vegan recipes has resulted with her first cookbook in 2013. Additionally, she shares all her favorite recipes on Essential Vegan, hence if you are interested in trying out Vegan Recipes, this is the place to visit.


Fried Dandelions

Sarah is a wife and mum of two, and enjoy cooking vegan food. In order to keep track of all the recipes she comes up with in the kitchen, she started this blog.

"My little boys and I follow a vegan diet; my husband is still technically a supportive omnivore. We’re working on it".


An Unrefined Vegan

Annie is passionate about unbleached, unprocessed, cruelty-free, unrefined, plant-based, whole foods. She shares this passion with her readers by providing them with recipes of the foods she eats.

"All of the recipes in these pages are plant-based – meaning that they contain absolutely no animal products. Many of the recipes are also free of oil and of refined products such as white flour and white sugar – though there are a few here and there".


Post Punk Kitchen

This blog is an extension of the Post Punk Kitchen TV show, and the purpose of it is to support the show and increase the vegan cooking and baking community.

"The first vegan cookbook I ever cooked from was the Tofu Cookery, by Louise Hagler. It was a really important cookbook for my family, because we never really cooked together before that. We’d make Barbeque Tofu, or Tofu Balls And Spaghetti, and it really brought us closer. It was then that my love of cookbooks began".


Vegan in the Freezer

Ginnie enjoys being in the kitchen and creating vegan recipes. She also has published a cookbook containing 125 freezer-friendly vegan recipes.

"The recipes feature healthy and delicious food that you can enjoy now or freeze for future meals. There are a variety of meals and snacks from down home cooking to gourmet fare in this site and I hope you will get to try them all".


The First Mess

Laura has always been interested in cooking, and thus, she went to culinary school. She grew up with agriculture around her, and has worked in many restaurants before she started her blog.

"I’ll be writing about the things I love: cooking with natural, plant-based foods, eating seasonally, and sharing wholesome meals with the people in my life. Living simply, cooking, and staying connected to the earth have always been at the heart of fine living for me, celebrating the community and its efforts".

Emily _cooks _vegan

Emily Cooks Vegan

Emily is a young journalist from London, who has incorporated vegan diet during her studies, and she relates this decision to her struggle with anorexia. Therefore, she decides to share her recipes on the blog that aims to convince readers that vegan food is not boring.

"My one hope is that you enjoy my incessant rambling as well as my often-haphazard recipes, and that you perhaps try eating meat-free once in awhile, knowing that it doesn’t have to be boring or restrictive, and it can easily fit into a busy lifestyle".


Have Cake will Travel

Celine turned to a vegan lifestyle in 2005 and and has co-authored a few cookbooks since.

List of her books: 500 Vegan Recipes, The Complete Guide to Vegan Food Substitutions, Hearty Vegan Meals for Monster Appetites, vegan Sandwiches Save the Day, Whole Grain Vegan Baking, Vegan Finger Foods, The Great Vegan Protein Book, The Complete Guide to Even More Vegan Food Substitutions , The Great Vegan Grains Book , Vegans Go Nuts.

Best Vegan Living Blogs

The previous category listed the blogs that are the best in writing vegan recipes. This category on the other side aims to inspire you to not only follow vegan diet, but to live a 100% vegan lifestyle. This includes travelling like a vegan, dressing like a vegan, eating like a vegan, and much more. To learn more about the vegan living philosophy, check the list below and get encouraged to make some changes to your life.



Morag is a young blogger from Scotland and she uses her blog to showcase everything that she loves in life. She is very passionate about animal welfare and a large part of her blog is related to ethical living.

"A clear conscious. I live my life knowing a sentiment being hasn't experienced pain in order to provide me with food, clothes, make-up or cleaning products. And I know the footprint I'm leaving on this beautiful earth isn't loaded with pollution. Being vegan has made me branch out of my comfort zone when it comes to food and make-up. I've discovered so many great brands that wouldn't have been on my radar otherwise. And met some fantastic people".


Guac and Roll

Ava started this blog in 2012 in order to show her friends the type of vegan food she eats on daily basis. She has been vegan for 4 years and apart from recipes, she shares her experience about travelling as vegan in Europe and her favorite places to eat out.

"Re-ordering your life to cause as little pain as possible to other beings sounds like it should be common sense. The day I start to make those changes, I felt a huge weight lift away from my lifestyle: I could be confident that the things I consume are making an effort to not cause pain, suffering or torture to another being. Being vegan is just the beginning though- and while many people perceive it as an extreme decision, for me, it’s just the start of a journey into caring about the way I sustain myself and the people around me”.

“My favourite part about being vegan is the connections this choice has provided me with. Every time I go away I am on another adventure to try vegan food and meet vegan people from other countries and backgrounds. I work for a vegan street food company, where I get to work alongside other vegans everyday, and share amazing ideas and perceptions that I wouldn’t have come across. And I get to write my blog, and see people try my recipes, and feel the message of veganism spread a little further, which is definitely the most rewarding part".


Naturally Sassy

On her blog Sassy is talking about everything natural, from food, to fitness, natural products and many other aspects for a healthy lifestyle.

"It is a simple way of eating that creates the flavours you love, naturally. It is not about depriving yourself and allows you to cook indulgent, healthy meals that taste incredible and make you feel great in body and mind".


The Tofu Diaries

Natalie’s blog is all about tasty vegan food, vegan travel, and living a cruelty-free lifestyle.

"I’ve been vegetarian for almost as long as I can remember and it has a huge influence on not only the food I eat, but the way I travel, the products I buy, and the clothes I wear. Everything I cook at home has been exclusively vegan for a while now and I’ve more recently transitioned to a fully vegan diet, but you will still find some older blog posts that are focused on vegetarian food".


Oh, Ladycakes

On this blog the readers can find from-scratch recipes and travel guides inspired by Ashlae’s travel experience.

"I believe in working with wholesome, seasonal ingredients as often as possible – and if you’re wondering what happened to the eggs and dairy, I don’t bake with those. Recipes are always vegan, occasionally gluten free and, every once in a while, raw".

Brittany And William

I love Vegan

On this blog, Brittany and William mainly share vegan recipes, however, here readers can also find a lot of inspiration around the vegan philosophy (benefits, transition to veganism, vegan grocery, cooking tips & supplies etc.).

"Thankfully the transition to veganism felt more natural than we’d expected and it didn’t take us long to realize that this whole “vegan thing” wasn’t so hard after all! There are so many wonderful benefits to being vegan, once we got used to the initial changes it was impossible not to fall in love with this lifestyle".


Eco Vegan Gal

This blog is an online resource for all who are curious about living a healthy lifestyle, both for themselves and the planet.

"Eating an organic, whole foods plant-based diet can result in vitality, longevity, internal peace and overall wellbeing. Likewise, adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle can culminate in an appreciation for the planet, connection to other people and nature and a sense of contribution that will effect many generations to come".


The Veggie Nook

Gabby is very passionate about the vegan diet and vegan lifestyle, so she shares all her tips and experiences on her blog.

"Getting here has been a journey and I am still a work in progress. I struggled and still do with body issues as many girls do. I was once afraid of certain foods and exercised only because I felt I had to. I have found though through practicing self-love and surrounding yourself with people and things that you love I am on my way to achieving a health and happiness physically, mentally and emotionally".


Cadry’s Kitchen

On this blog, Cadry shares vegan recipes, thoughts about the vegan lifestyle, travel-related topics, and reviews of restaurants.

"Many people assume that plant-based meals are ascetic, lacking, and boring. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. In the same way that food gives us connection to our pasts, brings back memories from trips and adventures, and gives us comfort, plant-based foods have all of the pleasures and flavor while also supporting a compassionate life".

Rikka And Doni

Vegan Miam

This blog is run by Rikka and Doni in order to share their plant-based recipes that have been inspired by all their travels. They also share their favorite vegan places to eat when abroad. 

Thanks to all the blogs that participated. If we forgot to include any important Vegan Blogs, or you have a question regarding the awards, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

See you next year!

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